Amahlathi Local Municipality
Keilands Outreach Event
The Municipality hosted an adopt a school event at the village of Keilands on the 19th May 2016. The purpose was to encourage child protection and the preservation of the traditional circumcision ceremony. The outreach initiative had support sponsorship from the Municipality and the South African Security Agency (SASSA).The representatives together with the municipality provided packages to assist the community during the winter season.
The outreach initiative provided school shoes for the children together with latches, windows, vaccination of dogs, soccer team shirts, winter blankets for the old and food packages for community members. The councillors immediately dealt with community concerns and provided feedback from the post municipal attempts in providing electricity and water for the community.
The traditional leader’s main concern was the discouragement of circumcision during the winter season. This is due to the high risk of infections, illnesses, infertility and death associated with the ceremony. It is therefore important for the Municipality and Social Welfare to work together with the community in protecting and preserving our tradition.