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On 9 September 2016 Amahlathi Local Municipality and Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform handed over seedlings at Gasela Village in Stutterheim.

20 community members are beneficiaries of the seedlings for the home stay garden.  The pilot vegetable garden project is supporting the organic programme so they can be vegetable suppliers, the change from chemical food to organic is because organic food is healthier. An Agripak at Mlungisi Community Commercial Park will be built where they will create market for the people to sell.

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Keilands Outreach Event

Amahlathi Local Municipality

Keilands Outreach Event

The Municipality hosted an adopt a school event at the village of Keilands on the 19th May 2016. The purpose was to encourage child protection and the preservation of the traditional circumcision ceremony. The outreach initiative had support sponsorship from the Municipality and the South African Security Agency (SASSA).The representatives together with the municipality provided packages to assist the community during the winter season.

The outreach initiative provided school shoes for the children together with latches, windows, vaccination of dogs, soccer team shirts, winter blankets for the old and food packages for community members. The councillors immediately dealt with community concerns and provided feedback from the post municipal attempts in providing electricity and water for the community.

The traditional leader’s main concern was the discouragement of circumcision during the winter season. This is due to the high risk of infections, illnesses, infertility and death associated with the ceremony. It is therefore important for the Municipality and Social Welfare to work together with the community in protecting and preserving our tradition.

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Waste Management Campaign

image7Amahlathi Local Municipality held a waste campaign in Keiskammahoek at the newly built Sophumelela Primary School on 05 February 2016.

The purpose was to educate learners on the importance of waste management and how to separate waste from personal hygiene. The key focus areas were ways of reducing waste,re-use and recycle.

After the educational session, municipal officials and the school children collect litter in and around the school in an initiative of keeping a clean country.

Amahlathi Speaker touches lives of needy children

image6In South Africa today many communities are faced with challenges such as, abject poverty, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse just to name a few which is affecting the general welfare of our communities.

Disadvantaged Childcare Centre’s do not have access to basic things such as proper structures, blankets, nutritional food therefore it becomes imperative for government to making sure that those who are vulnerable to these harsh conditions are assisted. Khanya Centre is a day-care to 25 children with 2 practitioners paid by EPWP. The conditions are not very good especially for a place that is occupied by children. It is said that the children were sleeping on the floor hence Amahlathi Local Municipality came to the rescue of the destitute and vulnerable, when the Hounarable Speaker Cllr N Magwaxaza donated 30 Day Care Mattresses to the disadvantaged crèche at Rhabe Village, she said  one of our service delivery endeavours is to plough back to the community.