General News
ERRATUM: Bid No. SCM/38/2016-17 (Township Establishment at Mlungisi)
The Municipality would like to make a correction for Bid No. SCM/38/2016-17 (Township Establishment at Mlungisi), that was advertised on Wednesday 22/02/2017 that compulsory briefing session will be on Monday 27 February at 10:00am, which will be held at LED Boardroom.
The Municipality would like to make a correction for the Preferential Procurement Framework Act (PPPFA) Points for BID No. SCM/19/2016-17 (Implementation of mSCOA), that was advertised on Thursday 06/10/2016 as 90/10 to be corrected to 80/20 as the correct points scoring system that will be used for evaluation.